"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original" ~Sir Ken Robinson
Hi there, folks. I'm gonna take a break from the series I've been posting, and will probably interrupt it again before it's all said and done. But here, watch this:
Please, watch that video (It's not a Rick-Roll, I promise!). It's about 20 minutes long, but it's definitely worth it. It's a TED talk by a man named Sir Ken Robinson, entitled "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" In this talk, he discusses the detrimental effect that our school system has on kids, in the fact that it shapes their minds into the boring, cookie cutter monotony that society says is acceptable.
"... She eventually graduated from the Royal Ballet School, founded her own company, The Gillian Lynne Dance Company, met Andrew Lloyd Webber, she's been responsible for some of the most successful musicals theater productions in history, she's given pleasure to millions, and she's a multimillionare. Somebody else might have put her on medication and told her to calm down." ~K. Robinson
I really don't have much to add to what he said. I was shown this as an introduction to my Intro to Audio Production class and Michigan Technological University. I think I can say that for the first time I am excited for a class besides band/guitar. My professor's approach was simple, and was worded something like "I'm going to give you enough information to be dangerous, and then turn you loose and let you learn by problem solving."
This, my friends, should be a fun semester.