Friday, June 26, 2015


Dear God..
Dear World...
Dear whoever will listen...
I  just can't go along with it,
I just can't support this vision.

For tonight my heart is heavy,
and tonight my thoughts are sad,
for today they wanted happiness
but not a joy that lasts.

Today they claim love won,
they claim we're equal now.
But we all know the tables have begun to turn
and there is no going back now.

As God gets pushed aside,
the country falls apart.
But they just ask what God has to do with it,
And an argument starts.

But the one who defined marriage
at the beginning of all things,
will have the final say in this
no matter what the Courts will bring.

What shall I fear
If the Lord is with me?
I fear for our future
of my world and my country.

I fear for our leaders,
I fear for our kids
the ones who aren't here just yet
but will bear the scars of all of this.

I fear for the remnant,
but know that God protects
but fear the ones still searching
will not find truth in all this mess.

I fear families ripped apart,
as the framework is attacked,
I fear for christians,
Who will watch and just sit back.

But what I think I fear the most
in the midst of all of this
is the ones who are oblivious
who the consequences missed.

First goes marriage,
"love Wins" their battle cry
then apart goes the home life
as family slow dies.

Then apart fall our youth
eaten alive
by the problems all around them
by the pain that lives inside.

I know dark times will come,
and that it's darkest just before dawn
But "Yea, Lord, come quickly"
is the cry that I've begun.

Yea, Lord come quickly,
and take me out of here
because I see where this is headed,
and for that and them I fear.